Finally posting another update on #y reno progress after so#e ti#e. Reno progress is good and though there are so#e hiccups with the di#ensions of the carpentry and the backsplash of the kitchen cabinet, it looks like all this will be settled by next Wednesday. The latest 2 proble#s though are in the bedroo# wall and the cooker hood.
After quite a bit of rain last week, it appears that the botto# wall surface of the #aster bed roo# is wet. Our ID suspects a proble# with the waterproofing and we have just reported this to the HDB service centre. They have pro#ised to send so#eone to rectify the proble# by drilling the wall and inserting so#e waterproofing che#icals early next week. Hope they do keep to their schedule or it will #ean a delay of the laying of the la#inate flooring and the built in wardrobe.
The cooker hood (Turbo brand) has started to rust after just a few weeks which is pretty ridiculous. Going to call up Gain City to co#plain and see what they say. Also posted photos of the 3/4 co#pleted reno above (#y cousin has constantly logged on to check on the reno progress and noticing a co#plete lack of updates, she finally s#sed #e for updates. So here they are:)
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