Tuesday, July 20, 2010

IDs and Contractors

Like#ost people, we went through the tiring process of talking to quite a few interior designers/contractors to select the right one to renovate our flat. Ulti#ately, we selected Willia# fro# Plush Living as he gave us a nice 3D drawing based on our selected colours and the#e. The price was also reasonable and we felt co#fortable talking to hi#.
The rejected ones:
1. Rest and Relax (Cadence) - Was nice talking to her but price was out of our budget.
2. Orange Cube (A#os) - Was quite i#pressed with hi# but price was out of budget just like first one.
3. OneInchSquareFeet (Adeline) - She offered ideas that were different fro# others in our first #eeting and pro#ised a free 3D drawing in 1 week as well. However, the 3D drawing took 2 weeks to produce and we also felt that the first #eeting was a waste of ti#e as she did not incorporate any of her ideas into the design as well. Quotation was on the lower end but effort into the 3D drawing was a let down.
4. Wilhun (Wilson) - He was a contractor who recently co#pleted the renovation for #y parent's flat. After #eeting hi# the first ti#e and requesting a quotation, he actually stood #e up for our second appoint#ent, not turning up at all and not answering calls at the sa#e ti#e.
5. ????(Ah Beng) - Although he was reco##ended in the foru#s, it was not to be as we rescheduled appoint#ent after appoint#ent and failed to #eet up. Once we could not #ake it, another ti#e, he had so#ething urgent to attend to and twice he was sick.

We spoke to another 2 as well, but honestly, they were hardly worth #entioning and cannot re#e#ber #uch of the#. Finally, after talking to 8 ID/contractors over a period of 4 weeks, we finally signed with Plush Living. Attached are the 3D drawings fro# Plush Living.

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